Founders and investors helping each other win
As entrepreneurs, our time is precious and our network is everything. Astronomic connects you with relevant founders, freelancers, and business owners to sort through the noise, help each other level-up, and be successful with your highest impact business goals.
Accountability + Camaraderie
Free leadership Q&A for founders
Join other founders, business owners, and freelancers for business leadership discussions, Q&A, and resource sharing. This community is moderated by our team.
Learn the fundamentals of business
We’ve partnered with Kauffman to offer their FastTrac program for business owners interested in learning the tenets of business. This 10-week program teaches you all of your business fundamentals.
Roundtable in groups of 6 relevant founders
Match with 5 other founders and business owners by industry, business type, revenue stage, and growth goals to discuss your questions and obstacles and work through them together.
bear (new)
Founder dinners with relevant entrepreneurs
Match with other founders and business owners by industry, business type, revenue stage, and growth goals for topical discussions over a savory meal.
Collaborate to succeed
Better together
It's lonely at the top, but not here. Share your challenges, goals, and questions with other founders, learn from their experiences, and develop rewarding friendships in the process.
It’s one thing to set your own goals, but it’s another thing to verbalize them to your peers. Set growth goals and let fellow founders hold you accountable to achieve them.
Gain valuable education and level-up your business skills, thanks to the insights shared by fellow founders who’ve been there/done that.
Track your success over time, build valuable connections, and take your business to the next level thanks to the power of Astronomic Network.
Mission & Values
Our reason for being
Every entrepreneur deserves to complete their mission. Our objective is to drive collaborative growth opportunities and accountability for all entrepreneurs.
We hold each other accountable to take our businesses, communities, and humanity to the next level.
Scale astronomically with resources to help you crush your goals. Set objectives, take action, and win big.
We hold space for you to speak your truth, embrace diverse perspectives, and welcome all.
Humankind is better together. It’s no longer lonely at the top, nor is it lonely on the way there.
About us
How it all started
No one goes to the moon alone. It takes a team of collaborators, coconspirators and investors to rocket through the atmosphere. Entrepreneurship isn’t a competition, it’s a collective. With our extensive manifest of folks taking flight together, you have the ability to get the right people on board who are dedicated to your unique vision and mission.

Astronomic Network was created by a group of business owners in Austin, Texas, with the goal of bridging the gaps in broader founder communities to find fellow entrepreneurs in our orbit. Our mission was to craft a collaborative model centered on small-group masterminds that empowers team-building, empathy, and accountability, while helping fellow business owners crush goals, make a community impact, and fulfill their mission.
Kidus Solomon Astronomic Network
What people say
Christian Parent
Christian Parent
Cofounder at NavInsider
It was beneficial to be surrounded by people who thought differently from me, so anytime I was pitching a product idea or walking them through what my thought process was, it was great to hear from people who had dissenting opinions that helped me create a more eclectic product strategy.
Kelsey Hitchingham
Kelsey Hitchingham
Founder at The Hitchingham Group
The biggest goal that I had starting in the Astronomic group was to be able to build my business in a way that felt really authentic and was still in line with my values, and the people that I work with have been instrumental in making sure that that happens.
Kidus Solomon
Kidus Solomon
CEO at Angel Fire Media
It's one thing to meet people and network with people and find potential clients or knowledge, but what's more valuable to me is to network with people who I can learn from who are further along on their entrepreneurship journey.
Stefan Djordjevic
Stefan Djordjevic
Founder at Martian
Usually when I set a goal, I try to accomplish it, and if I don't accomplish it, I'll at least let everyone know. You don't want to be a letdown in your group. If you don't accomplish your goal, you kind of feel like you're not pulling the weight of the team. And so, that's kind of helped me hold myself accountable.
Lacey Arslan
Lacey Arslan
Owner at brXnded experiences
There's entrepreneurs across the board of all of the industries you could think of, but we all had these fundamental issues that were very similar. And so it made me feel like, "Hey, they've gone through this—I'm not alone."
Adam Acheson
Adam Acheson
Founder at Bachelor Haus
Being a part of the mastermind group has allowed me to really talk to some very smart individuals, whereas without this team, I really wouldn't be moving along as far as I have been. I've been able to tap into some certain members that have just given me some invaluable advice.
Ashley Balstad in Austin, Texas
Ashley Balstad
Director of Operations at Astronomic
I got to talk through the challenges I had with my other leadership team. I was having a hard time of getting them on the same page of, 'Hey, this is the reality that we're facing [with COVID-19], these are the decisions that we need to make, what are we going to do?'
Blake Charvoz
Blake Charvoz
CEO at PixelRocket
I think a big challenge was goal setting in general. I think that's one of the hardest things that is not necessarily something that's taught is how to set a goal that is achievable. So that alone, honestly, since I started working with all of the people in Astronomic has been one of the biggest things: You're accountable to the goals you set.
AJ Davis
AJ Davis
CEO at Experiment Zone
Being able to go deeper than a quick networking call with someone, there was a level of empathy that you get from working with other entrepreneurs on an ongoing basis, where it's not just, 'here's my goal, here's some ideas,' but kind of this ongoing check-in and accountability.
About us
Who we are
A collaborative crew of founders, investors, and business owners
Network members
Join our community
Founders from dozens of Austin businesses participate in Astronomic Network.
Join Us
Astronomic Network
What’s included
  • Meet other founders and investors
  • Foster meaningful connections
  • Ask questions, hear feedback
  • Navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Level-up your skills
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